Puerto Vallarta - Valentines in the Romantic Zone

Puerto Vallarta - Valentines in the Romantic Zone

In the embrace of Puerto Vallarta's Zona Romantica, love finds a voice, whispering through the cobblestone streets and echoing against the ocean's caress. This guide is a woven tapestry of moments and memories waiting to be discovered by those who walk hand in hand, hearts beating as one.
Updated ago

Whispers of Love: A Romantic Journey Through Puerto Vallarta's Zona Romantica

Morning Splendor at the Malecón

Puerto Vallarta Malecon
In the square they had a chalk art competition, with great art work!
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Begin your day where the sea kisses the sky, along the Malecón. Here, amidst the ocean's vast canvas, stand together by the vibrant Puerto Vallarta sign, a mosaic of colors and culture, framing your love in its famous Mexican style. Let the rhythmic waves serenade you, a prelude to the day's romance.

A Sip of Tradition at Starbucks

Mexico has a law that foreign companies must buy locally when possible. Most coffee is from Mexico.
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Cross the threshold of the commonplace, into a Starbucks unlike any other. Here, the essence of Mexico brews in every cup, with beans harvested from the mountains' shadow, a testament to the region's rich flavors. Discover the unique offerings, a palette of tastes that are distinctly Mexican, including the world-renowned vanilla, a whisper of sweetness in your morning.

Beneath the Gaze of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
This church took almost 100 years to complete. Fishermen begin to build under the guidance of the priest were not skilled which contributed to the eclectic architecture style. The large crown on top of them was destroyed in the 1995 earthquake and completely rebuilt.
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Wander to where faith and beauty converge at the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Marvel at its eclectic architecture, a century in the making, its spires reaching toward the heavens, a silent guardian of the city's soul. In its shadow, find a moment of peace, a shared silence that speaks volumes.

Sweet Whispers in a Candy Shop

Dulcería Leal's malecón
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Venture deeper into the heart of the Romantic Zone, to a quaint candy shop nestled near the flea market. Here, generations of hands craft treats as tokens of affection, each piece a memento of the sweet side of life. Let the sugared scents envelop you, a prelude to shared delights.

Brunch at Vallarta Factory

Vallarta Chocolate Factory Restaurant and Bar
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As midday unfolds, the Vallarta Factory beckons with a bounty of flavors. Sit close, amidst the hum of conversation and clinking dishes, and indulge in a feast that celebrates the region's culinary heart. Each bite is an exploration, an adventure as rich as the love you share.

An Afternoon of Discovery

Hill of the Cross Viewpoint
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Lose yourselves in the cobblestone labyrinth of the Romantic Zone, where every turn reveals a new secret, a new story. Though the Hill of the Cross calls from afar, today, let the city's charm be your summit. Learn its tales, from the origins of Old Town to the spirited life of its streets.

A Journey to the Spirit of Tequila

Gusto Del Rey
They allow you to sign the huge blue agave in the center of the court yard.
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Embrace adventure with a journey to the countryside, where tequila distilleries unveil the spirit of Mexico. Though the tequila may whisper of the land's fire, it's the liquors that sing of its soul, a melody of flavors that lingers long after the last sip.

Nightfall Along the Malecón

Malecon Boardwalk Vallarta
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As dusk falls, return to where the day began, but see it anew under the cloak of night. The Malecón, now a ribbon of light against the dark, invites you to stroll once more, a slow dance to the rhythm of the waves. Let each step be a promise, each glance a vow.

Tacos and Tales

Pancho's Takos
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Tacos del Julio Puerto Vallarta
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Conclude your journey under the starlit sky, where local taquerias offer a simple yet profound pleasure. In each taco, a story of the earth, of hands that toil and hearts that dream. Share these flavors, these moments, as the night whispers its approval.

In Puerto Vallarta's Zona Romantica, every corner, every shadow, plays host to a story of love. Through this guide, may you find your own tales to tell, your own whispers of love to share. Here, where the heart beats loudest, let your love story unfold.

Malecon Boardwalk Vallarta
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Puerto Vallarta Malecon
In the square they had a chalk art competition, with great art work!
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Gusto Del Rey
They allow you to sign the huge blue agave in the center of the court yard.
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