11 day Brisbane and Sydney, Australia travel itinerary
11 Days in Brisbane and Sydney, Australia
Before you go..
1. When you’re booking flights, make sure to give yourself at least 3 hours on layovers. Australia (especially from the US) is way too long of a trip to have things go wrong at the airport. 3 hours will give you enough time so that you are comfortable and not rushed at the start and end of your trip.
2. Australia has visa entry requirements. Travelers to Australia must purchase an Australian visa. The process is simple and online and takes minutes. Note you may also need a visa if you have a layover in other countries. I flew through New Zealand and needed one there as well.
3. Get a credit card without foreign transaction fees. I recommend the Chase Sapphire as it’s great for all travel points in general. You can apply for the card through this link:
4. Know the name and address of your hotel when going through customs. It is always best practice to have the location and dates of each stay in case you are asked to provide it at customs.