What NOT to do on a trip - Top 5 behavioural traits to avoid

What NOT to do on a trip - Top 5 behavioural traits to avoid

Amit Jagani
5 behavioural traits to avoid on your next trip and travel responsibly like a pro. #travel #vacation #trips #photos #experience #experttraveler
Updated ago

1. Click 1000 pictures, literally.

Not every nook and corner require space on your phone/camera. One good picture is enough to remember it when you re-visit those pictures later. Although, different travelers have different goals in mind, clicking 1000 pictures just for social media isn’t worth it. Experience the place/culture/people/cuisine first and leave room for a few but great pictures.

2. Be mindless in public places.

Be mindful of people walking around you in public places, try not to step on or bump into people around just because you’re having a banter with your group of friends. Obey the queue and be courteous to fellow travelers all the time. Avoid photo bombing just because you want to walk across the other side quickly. Be gentle and soft in your conversations with people around you, unless it’s a bar where you’re not going to get through without being loud enough.

3. Be grumpy around other people.

We travel to explore, meet new people, experience culture and cuisine. It doesn’t hurt to do so with a smile. Greet people with a smile and acknowledge each other’s existence. More often than not, we forget to do that. People often think we can speak in our language and the other person won’t understand but that’s not always true. The body language, tone, etc. can easily give it away. Be joyful and make the most of every moment with yourself, your loved ones and everything around you.

4. Ignore public rules and hygiene standards.

Needless to say, but do not litter or spit in public places. If you feel you’ll absolutely need to, carry a bag and throw it in the dustbin when you get a chance. Obey the traffic lights. Always remember, you represent your country when you travel abroad. Your behavior is perceived as behavior of people in your country.

5. Squeeze too much in too short time.

Enjoy your trip and have a wonderful experience

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Amit Jagani
Explored 33 countries, solo as well as couple, business as well as leisure. Love to learn about the #culture, #music, #food and a little bit of #history. What do I value more? What would be the best way of spending my time in this country? That’s what inspires my travels. A fan of “Less words, more information”. How can I help you to make your travel experience incredible?
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