The Portugal Shop

The Portugal Shop

I spent three weeks in Portugal living among the locals and curating a list of the most authentic finds and hidden gems. Below are a collection of my guides to help with your trip planning. For personalized itinerary or guide planning, please check out my Services shop.
Updated ago

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Hello, Travel Lovers! I'm Julie, an avid traveler based in Europe with a bachelor's degree from the #1 ranked hospitality and tourism management school in the United States, the Rosen College of Hospitality Management. I'm an American currently living overseas in Munich, Germany. I've worked in the experiences industry for eight years and have professional expertise in creating unique and personalized itineraries for my clients. A little bit about me: - I spend about 1/3 of the year traveling throughout Europe - I previously participated in an exchange program to Germany which is what inspired me to one day move abroad - I'm a huge animal lover enjoy travel pet sitting, exchanging free pet care services for free accommodation all over the world I'm passionate about travel and create my guides and itineraries with first-hand, carefully curated knowledge from my personal travels. I also offer travel consultation and design services tailored to my client's budgets and interests. Let's design your next adventure!
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