Where to stay when in Amsterdam

Where to stay when in Amsterdam

My experience in different hotels in Amsterdam.
Updated ago
Park Plaza Victoria Amsterdam
Victoria hotel is beautiful but more on the expensive side compared to my other stays. However it is a luxury experience and located right in front of Amsterdam’s Central Station which is extremely convenient.
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The Bulldog Hotel
The Bulldog Hotel was a fun stay as it was in center Amsterdam. There is a nice bar located on the main floor of the lobby and located right on a canal.
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SWEETS hotel Hortusbrug
Apartment canalside in Amsterdam.
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Im an international baseball player currently playing in Italy. I grew up in Florida, and have used baseball to travel around America until I graduated college and began playing in Italy three years ago. I’ve been to 11 countries & 18 states, & have always traveled in a different manner. From several 6 months stay in Italy, to road trips across America, to 24 hour visits to countries I’ve never been to; if it’s a new opportunity, I’m in. I speak English, Italian, and Spanish.
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