Free Things to do in Vancouver

Free Things to do in Vancouver

On a budget? Here are some things to do where you don't have to spend a dime!
Updated ago
Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge
Slightly smaller than Capilano Suspension Bridge, but completely free and just as beautiful! If the weather is nice take a walk to 30 foot pool for an icy dip.
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Stanley Park
Places of note within the park: Nine o'Clock Gun, the abandoned Polar Bear Compound, Girl in a Wetsuit, Totem Poles, Prospect Point, Beaver Lake, the Rose Garden, the Seawall, Brockton Point Lighthouse.
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Granville Island
Soak up the hustle and bustle of this busy market.
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Second Beach
In the summer, enjoy a free open air movie down by the beach every Tuesday!
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Third Beach
In the summer soak up the atmosphere of the drumming circle every Tuesday evening.
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Gastown Steam Clock
Every quarter hour see the Steam Clock in action with all the bells and whistles!
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Pacific Spirit Regional Park
Explore the beauty of the magnificent park and visit the nearby famous nude beach - Wreck Beach.
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Robson Square Ice Rink
Bring your own skates and skate for free! Or pay only $5 for skate rental.
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Queen Elizabeth Park
Lots to see and do in this park including a rose garden, sculptures, fountains and an arboretum.
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Jericho Beach
Look out for rabbits in the grassy areas near the beach!
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Lonsdale Quay
Explore the markets and see a great view of Vancouver from the tower!
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Vancouver Public Library, Central Library
Check out this beautiful building and enjoy a quiet read with open spaces and an outdoor patio.
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Currently living abroad for the last few years in Canada with lots of knowledge on British Columbia travel, my hometown back in Ireland and much more! I love the great outdoors and all beautiful sights this world has to offer - I'm always on the hunt for unique experiences at an affordable price!
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