Divina Cucina's Florence for Food-Lovers
Florence was the capital of Italy when the country was united in the 1800's. The first capital was Torino, where the King lived, in 1865, it moved to Florence. To prepare, they tore down most of the walls of the city and built large boulevards and the markets. One in San Lorenzo, a second San Ambrogio and a third was planned in San Frediano, but not built. The Capital was moved to Rome in 1871.
Eating in Florene
The steak here is different, it's not filled with marblized fat, so it will always be cooked rare. Very Rare. If cooked more it gets tough. If that bothers you, order something else.
If you want meat, but not that much, order the tagliata, It's a smaller boneless entrecote grilled and sliced, often served with arugula salad.
Since I have been living here, the restaurants have adapted to tourism in that you can order a single plate of pasta and call it a meal. When I moved here many restaurants had signs outside saying "We only serve full meals".