Chiang Rai Best Hostel

Chiang Rai Best Hostel

Recommendations for food and hostels
Updated ago

Best hostels to stay at in Chiang Rai

Mercy Hostel

Mercy Hostel
Vera nice hostel to stay at. Staff is really friendly and helpful if you have any questions.
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If you are visiting Chiang Rai i would suggest to stay at the Mercy Hostel. It has a nice common room to meet fellow travelers, a pool and even a smal gymroom.

The staff can help you get tickets for the slowboat to Laos if needed.

Stay In Hostel

Stay In Hostel สเตย์อินโฮสเทล
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I also stayed at Stay In Hostel. The guy from the reception is very friendly and will help you with all your questions. It's a bit further from the city, but a 10-15 minute walk would cover it.

If you are on a budget and would like a chill atmosphere you should definitely go here!

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Backpacking with my boyfriend through Asia
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