Paris: Sustainable Green Guide

🛒Sustainable Shops
My favorite shops where you can buy everything from reusable paper towels to chewable mouthwash tablets to tiny nylon bags that fit in your pocket so you never need a plastic bag ever again.

🌰 Organic/Bulk Grocers
The main ‘healthy’ grocers here are Naturalia (the linked shop is vegan only but it is a chain), and Bio c’ Bon (all organic… bio=organic). I’ve included one of each so you know what to look for. The rest of the recs are more specialized and are not chains!
En vrac = items you can buy in bulk, and usually fill your own containers as well.

☕️ Sustainable Coffee

👕 Secondhand Clothing
What better city to buy thrifted clothes than the fashion capital of the world?

Donations & Thrifting

🍴 Vegetarian & Vegan
Favorite places that are truly focused on vegetarian or vegan food; not restaurants that have a few veg or vegan options - those are everywhere!
Végétarien = vegetarian
Végétalien = vegan


🏩 Sustainable Hotels
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