Cheap Flights: ANYWHERE

Cheap Flights: ANYWHERE

How I flew from Australia to Europe for $360 AUD
Updated ago

How I find the cheapest flights to anywhere in the world.

How I flew to European Summer from Australia for $360aud. 

In my social circles, I am known for my ability to get the cheapest deals people cannot believe, to get me ideal places at prices totally doable for any tightass budget. 

In 2022, I flew from Australia straight to Europe for just $360aud. Yes, that's right. No hidden fees, and this is how I did it. 

Let go of your plans.

Firstly, I build my trips from 1) an idea, then 2) the cheapest flights. In 2022 I booked me and my best friend one way flights at the unheard of price of $360 each, with no extra hidden fees & no dodgy websites used. 

We wanted to do Euro Summer, but both having a tight ass budget she wasn't sold until I found these flights.

Google Flights.

Google flights is the biggest hack to travel the world has ever seen. Goodbye travel agencies hiking up the price to gain their commission. 

How To:

Begin with adding your nearby biggest cities with international airports, you can "add multiple airports" using that plus button on the right hand side. We added Sydney & Melbourne, because who doesn't love starting their trip a little early for a couple of days in another city?

From there, you can explore anywhere you'd like to go. Google flights even has a feature that you can see any flights within the next 6 months to help you find the cheapest deal!

I always buy one way on my big trips. Nothing stresses me out more than knowing I have an end date in sight from a specific city - if I'm not planning out my trip beforehand (which I never do). This gives you the freedom to fly in some place & fly out another, ensuring you find the cheapest deals possible. 

Your page should look a little like this. (Mind the dark theme, I'm one of those).

This literally gives you the ability to find the cheapest flights into ANY country that has an airport. Sometimes the flights will land you some place random, go for the ride. I promise it always has a story attached. 



PLEASE please make sure you check the flights your booking. Sometimes the cheapest flights are multiple tickets *booked separately*. This can be an absolute nightmare. I'm speaking from second-hand experience. 

If you have separate tickets, you 1) have to self transfer at layovers and 2) this includes your checked baggage. 

Getting somewhere the fastest and cheapest way is how I roll 95% of the time, but sometimes spending just that much extra on flights using the same airline, or taking a little bit more time is more valuable than life itself. 

Also, don't budget so hard you end up in a random country, in a random airport that doesn't allow you to sleep there while you wait for your bus transfer. Safety first.

Scoot Airlines

*Not a paid promotion. I'm a genuine advocate. 

I've travelled to Europe 3 times from the Oceania side of the world and I can promise you Scoot Airlines almost always has the cheapest deals above all others.


- Stopover in Changi Airport, Singapore

Not only do most of the flights have just one stopover in Singapore Airport, which is an absolute DREAM airport to spend hours on a layover, but they allow you 10kg of carry on luggage. Hear that RyanAir?

- 10KG Carry on Luggage

So give your back some relief, downsize that backpack & save some cash. Yes you CAN just pack for 1 week & wash all your outfits. 

Cities to Note

Scoot Airlines won't land you in every city, they're budget, remember? But, if you're coming from East Coast Australia, Scoot will fly out of Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sydney & Melbourne no problem. 

To fly into Europe at Scoots cheapest prices these are the only two I ever consider:

- Athens 

- Berlin

Athens is usually cheaper, its closer - makes sense. Berlin can sometimes have cheaper flights, and if you're heading West, it would make more sense in the long run.

Some extra places Scoot covers that I've tested out personally, are Bali and Vietnam. 

I got from Australia to Vietnam for just a little over $200. 

I got from Bali to Athens quite last minute for a little over $500. 


Scoot is budget. 

- No in-flight entertainment 

That means charge that phone up and download your movies, you best believe there isn't any tv's on board. 

- It also means you don't get meals. 

I either stock up on food to eat on board, eat a load before the flight, or most of the time I just fast on my flights. I refuse to eat the sodium filled, preserved & microwaveable plastic they serve on other flights anyways. 

*They do sell food, at extortionate prices of course.

- Bring your jumper with you

The flight runs quite cool, and they don't give out blankets for free. 

- Long layovers

I've spent 18 hours on a layover in Changi airport. Perfect if you head into the city & see some sites, but not if you're on your way home, broke and not well. 

Pack Light

My first backpacking trip overseas I had no idea how to pack for it. Now you can find endless videos telling you how to pack, check them out.

Luckily, my first backpacking companion forced me to buy a 30L bag and pack lightly, and I'm so glad I listened. 

My second European Summer trip overseas I went with the girls, it was all their first times backpacking & I gave them the same warning. The whole month I was watching them painfully lugging all of their items around, warning me against saying the dreaded, "I told you so."

Sometimes costing them hundreds to check in their 20kg bag, and being at risk of losing it every flight, was a relief on my end. Knowing my valuables were tucked above my head and with me when I finally arrived, at no extra cost.

I've created a whole travel guide on how to pack light for long haul trips. See my profile for more!

* * *
Hi, I'm Jaya. I backpack full time around the world, always on a carefully curated budget. Somehow, I end up with loads of free accommodation, in rural areas of countries with locals, at festivals with a free wristband or travelling an entire country in a van for next to nothing. How I get through most of my trips is a shock to even me, but I always pull through with some of the most amazing experiences. I've been trying to figure out how I can best help others begin their travel journey, spend less or have a smoother ride. Thatch fell right in my lap and I couldn't be more thrilled to test this out! I want to be available for personally curated travel advice, for trip tips / guides to cities you've never been. If you need budget help I'm all over crunching numbers (weirdo, I know). I just have so many conversations with friends in my orbit, and I know in my heart I can help some others out there. Some highlights of my trips I'd love to share tips on; I flew from Australia to Europe for $360aud. I travelled in a van from north to south Portugal for $300aud for a whole week. I've volunteered in rural Indonesia teaching a muslim community English, I donated $90aud and I had free accommodation, transport and food for the entire 10 day stay. I managed to get 7 weeks free accommodation across a European Summer one year & saved thousands of dollars. I also want to mention, I'm a massive advocate for dining out, good coffee and good wine. I'm not much of a shopper, but will buy something if my wardrobe wouldn't survive without it (vintage, yes please!) I do travel very light with a 30L backpack that covered me for 5 months straight, & I still haven't seen the brand go viral yet? Everything I've learnt feels far too good to gate keep. So here I am ready to put it all on the table just for you.
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