3 Top Restaurants for Bistecca Alla Fiorentina in Florence

3 Top Restaurants for Bistecca Alla Fiorentina in Florence

A list of the best places to eat one of Florence's most famous dishes, the bistecca alla Fiorentina.
Updated ago


Bistecca alla Fiorentina dates back to March 23rd, 1565, when the lords of Florence celebrated a wedding by grilling fine cuts of meat for the city's citizens.

English knights at the event cheered for the "beef steak," which became "bistecca" in Italian.


The height: The steak should be 3-4 cm high, or “four fingers” high. There’s a saying that anything under this is not a steak, but a carpaccio.   

The weight: A general rule is half a kilo per person, though this, of course, depends on how much other food you’re ordering and how much steak you can take down. 

The cut: The classic cut is the loin of a young male cow. The bone is T-shaped, with a filet on one side and sirloin on the other and the fat still on. The meat is well-aged, “a minimum of 21 days".

The cook: The meat should be cooked over the hot coals of a wood fire, an essential for the steak’s flavour. 

The rareness: The perfect steak is well-browned on the outside, but rare, and a bit bloody, on the inside. 


Regina Bistecca
Dine here for an upscale experience. On your tenth visit here, you're awarded an engraved knife. That's how confident they are in repeat customers.
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Buca Lapi
Looking for a special dining experience? This restaurant has been open since 1880.
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Ristorante del Fagioli
Your classic neighbourhood restaurant that won't break the bank (compared to other bistecca alla Fiorentina restaurants).
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Hi, I’m Renee! The founder of Dream Plan Experience (travel blog), Dream Retreats Europe (host to luxury retreats in Europe) and Thatch travel consultant and creator. I've been exclusively travelling to Europe for 35 years, focusing on ✨France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Spain✨ to gain a priceless locals’ perspective. During this time, I've lived in Germany twice. My goal is to help as many people as possible experience the authentic side of Europe. As a culturally immersive traveller, I embrace the customs, food, and everyday European life, just like a local. How I can help: 👉 I balance top attractions with off-the-beaten-path experiences to maximize your vacation time. 👉I offer various services to suit your needs, from 1:1 consultations and curated guides to fully customized travel planning, making European travel stress-free. Explore my Thatch store for free or ready-to-buy guides and itineraries. 👉I understand that travellers are looking for more out of their holiday. I focus on authentic experiences representing local culture, leveraging my strong relationships with local partners for the latest insider information. What I'm a great fit for: 👉Mature travellers, couples, and solo travellers who enjoy authentic experiences, great food and wine, hidden gems, classic sites, and the art of slow travel. I believe slow travel is an approach that emphasizes deeper connections with destinations by taking time to experience local culture, food, and everyday life, often prioritizing quality over quantity and minimizing fast-paced itineraries. Are we a match? Let's work together on planning your next trip! Contact me at renee@dreamplanexperience.com for more info.
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