Must see in Amazing Hamburg
How can I take me to the inner city?
From the airport simply take the "S-Bahn", line S1 (direction Wedel), and go to the main station "Hauptbahnhof". It takes you 25 minutes.
Buy a ticket at the HVV- ticket counter, a one-way ticket for the zone "Hamburg AB" is charged with 3,80 Euros.
Note: If you do more trips on the same day, it is cheaper to buy a "9- Uhr- Tageskarte Hamburg AB" for all trips with S- Bahn, Underground ("U-Bahn"), Bus and with some Ferries in the harbour after 9 o` clock a.m., charged with 7,50 Euros.
Up to 5 persons can ride even cheaper together with a group ticket ("9- Uhr- Gruppenkarte Hamburg AB"), charged with 14,10 Euros.
Recommended Places to stay (Inner City):

Recommended Areas to visit:
- Inner City/Hafencity (River Elbe)
- Eppendorf/Hoheluft
- St. Pauli/(Stern-) Schanze
Inner City/Hafencity (River Elbe):
Take a walk from "Hauptbahnhof (Main Station)" through "Mönckebergstraße" towards Townhall, passing through a lively shopping area. It is absolutely worth seeing.

From Townhall it`s only a 10 minutes walk towards Hamburgs "new city" directly beneath the river "Elbe": The so called Hafencity.
Best to walk along "Bergstraße", "Alter Fischmarkt" and "Brandstwiete", passing by the wonderful church "St. Petri".
Continuing straight ahead, you will reach the first harbour basins at the so called "Kornhausbrücke".
Further on you`re passing through the famous "Speicherstadt" (Ware house district).

At "St. Annenplatz" you have the chance to turn right in the dircetion towards the spectacular "Elbphilharmonie" - the famous Philharmonic Hall of Hamburg.

Further on - first right, than left - you'll reach "Landungsbrücken", the beautiful walkway directly at the harbour's edge. Here you'll also find the spectacular old Tunnel unterneath Elbe, the old "Elbtunnel" - also highly recommended.

Great Cafes at River Elbe:

Two truly enchanting neighborhoods with old buildings from the late years of the 19th century. Many people compare some streets to London's Notting Hill.
Here you will find many cozy cafes and restaurants. It is also home to many actors, TV stars and football players.
Self- guided walk Eppendorf/Hoheluft:
For my self- guided walk through Eppendorf and Hoheluft you have to go by Underground (U3) to station "Hoheluftbrücke". Here the walk starts and takes you across some very interesting areas to the U3- Underground- Station "Kelllinghusenstraße".
The description is in German, but the self- guided walk is for free and easy to follow:
This walk is livened up by various and entertaining quizzes.
The combination with a map helps you find the way.
Great restaurants in Eppendorf/ Hoheluft:

St. Pauli and (Stern-) Schanze
They are among the oldest neighborhoods in the city.
The proximity to the harbour and thus to the heart of Hamburg gives St. Pauli and Sternschanze a unique, authentic flair.
Self- guided walk St. Pauli and Schanze:
I highly recommend my self guided walk through St. Pauli and Sternschanze.
Therefore it`s necessary to take the Underground (U3), e.g. from main station, to the U3- station "St.Pauli".
Because of the considerable research work for this walk, I cannot offer it free of charge and charge 12.50 euros. Money well spent, for sure.
What`s happening?
We'll walk through some of Hamburg's old neighborhoods, fought over in the past and now much loved for the authentic view they offer of the city. The efforts of the citizens have not always been successful, but the power of the preserved buildings and their many colors is magical. Along the way there's history and deliciousness too!
This walk is livened up by various and entertaining quizzes.
The combination with a map helps you find the way.
Great Restaurants and Bars at St. Pauli/Schanze:

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