Custom Travel Guides 🌟

Custom Travel Guides 🌟

Are you looking for a custom trip planned perfectly to your needs? That's why I'm here! I have options for a day trip, a weekend away, or a full-week trip. By purchasing one of the custom guides below for a day, weekend, or week away, I can give my personal preferences on places I've been or I can do all of the research so you don't have to.
Updated ago

The Day Trip 

Includes 10-12 recommendations, perfect for a 1-2 day trip!

The Weekend Trip

Includes 20-25 recommendations, perfect for 3-5 days!

The Week Away

Includes a minimum of 40 recommendations, perfect for a week or more!

Your custom guide will be created using Thatch and delivered to you via email within 10 days of your order being placed. 

No refunds or revisions.

Looking for recommendations? Here are some of my favorites.

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Full time virtual assistant traveling the world whenever I can. Next up - Guatemala ✨
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