🎄 Munich's Ultimate Christmas Market Guide!
Quick Tips:
- Always bring a lot cash with you to a Christmas market. You are never guaranteed the option to use a credit card anywhere in Germany, even less so at a Christmas market. So be prepared, you will run out fast.
- “Pfand” means deposit. All drinks come in commemorative mugs and you must pay a deposit along with your drink to ensure the mug’s safe return. Often people will keep a mug on purpose for their collection, thus forfeiting their deposit. For everyone else, you’ll get your money back from the same place you picked your drink up. Just look for a sign that says “Pfand”. The costs vary from place to place but anywhere between 5€ and 10€ is normal.
- See what I mean about having a lot of cash though? Imagine buying 4 drinks at 7.50€ each with a 10€ Pfand per mug. That’s an expensive round even if you will get most of it back.
Marienplatz Christkindlmarkt

About 3 weeks before Christmas the market square comes alive with the sounds of stalls, sausages, and mulled spiced wines. This, naturally, is the most traditional of Munich’s markets. I consider it the meter stick from which to judge all others. Making it the perfect first market for starting the season.