

the beauty of Croatia as you never expected to see!
Updated ago
sljeme tower. view point 1035metres
this tower is the best place to enjoy nature and a beautiful landscape of the city of zagreb.
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Trg Kralja Tomislava
as you decided to arrive by train to zagreb. you will need to walk straight ahead 5 min to admire the beauty of the city itself surrounded by central European architectural style . the first croatian King tomislav and in the background the cathedral of your right and on your left the sljeme tower on the hill.
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After tomislav Park you keep walking straight in the horse shoe former shaped Park. this Park has a good area for public events and the fountain with the astronomical watch. museums and contemporary galleries of art.
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Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 6I
tha Square has a local market on the left side from the statue . on the right side the cathedral and is the main place to find tourist information. the luggage storage is in front of the statue and all the main bank and stores are located in that long tramway avenue.
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Park Ribnjak
located behind the cathedral. the park has at the entrance public toilets and good bench to sit and enjoy the beautiful view with the flowers and trees in the same city center.
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My name is Sebastián and I am from Arequipa-Peru . I am 30 years old currently travelling with my girlfriend around Europe. I like to connect with different people and enjoy non touristic areas.
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