12 suggestions for your visit in Addis Abeba

12 suggestions for your visit in Addis Abeba

Here a short list with few suggestions on where to eat, where to sleep and what to do when in Addis Abeba
Updated ago

Feeling hungry?

Yod Abyssinia Traditional Restaurant
One of the first and most famous traditional restaurants in Addis Ababa proudly displays Ethiopian hospitality through a variety of dishes, ethnic dances and music.
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Kategna Restaurant | Bole Millennium | ቃተኛ ሬስቶራንት | ቦሌ ሚሊኒየም
Typical Ethiopian restaurant. The restaurant is known for its spicy cuisine and coffee ceremony, which includes traditional preparation methods.
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Totot Traditional food Hall | Gerji | ቶቶት | ገርጂ
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Beemnet Bar and Restaurant Kazanchis
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Feeling tired?

Best Western Premier Dynasty
Great hotel with an impeccable staff, a nice swimming pool and a huge gym. The restaurant is also very good
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Radisson Blu Hotel, Addis Ababa
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Ramada Addis Hotel
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Sheraton Addis, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Addis Ababa
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Feeling bored?

Ethnological Museum
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National Museum of Ethiopia
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St. George Church
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Meskel Square
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Need a ride?

I highly discourage using public transportation to travel across Addis Abeba. Instead you can use the countless taxi available around the city.

If you want to avoid being scammed by a taxi, just ask your hotel to book one for you. Alternatively, you can use the app RIDE (is the Ethiopian version of Uber)

You can pay with cash but also with a registered credi card.

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Ciao a tutti! I'm Andrea and I am from Italy. I live in Latina, one hour away from Rome, but my origins are from Lecce province in south Italy. Whenever I have the opportunity I love to hop on a plane and explore the world. I usually travel solo, whether for pleasure or for business. I love to eat and everywhere I go I always try to eat like a local to savour better my travelling experience.
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