Eating in Havana

Eating in Havana

Julia K
They say there is nothing to eat in Cuba, or there is not enough meat. Not exactly, at least not for tourists. Here is the list of my favourites, all of them contributed to interesting gastronomic journey we had in Havana.
Updated ago
La Guarida
Truly fine dining experience, incredible interior, don't miss the bar upstairs with the view over the city.
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Casa Miglis
Swedish-Cuban fusion, eccentric variety of dishes gives a decent break from a typical Cuban menu.
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Lamparilla. Tapas & beer
Delicious lobster and octopus salad.
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Lo De Monik
Great tacos and fresh juices.
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El Dandy
More tacos and Mexican michelada.
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El del Frente
Young vibe, very decent cocktails, seafood past and carpaccio.
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Al Carbon
Fancy interior and old-school restaurant style.
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El Café
Best coffee in town and hummus for breakfast.
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Julia K
I don’t know what I love more: travelling or planning the trips. I love researching and creating detailed itineraries. I lived in 5 countries and travelled across continents through more than 80 counties in the last 15 years. I love to look for opportunities to travel on budget, but I am also well aware of luxurious and fine dining experiences in the places I lived and travelled. I am sharing itienaries I have created for myself, my family & friends, and travel groups.
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