Ireland on a whim

Ireland on a whim

Want a quick trip to Ireland, but to experience more than just typical tourism?
Updated ago

Let me help you build a custom itinerary based on length of stay and where you will fly in/out of! 

Includes: hotel recommendations/bookings, time management, best value recommendations 

Concentrations: boutique hotel stays, local experiences, music & scenery must-dos, off-the-beaten-path

Optional add-ons: food tours, tattoo recommendations/appointments, restaurant recommendations, pub recommendations

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Hey there -- I'm Aleisha from Texas! Travel is in my blood, and I first got caught the bug via hearing all my mom's stories of her European travels all throughout the 70's. What.a.time! My own first international experience was traveling to Brazil in 2003, and it forever shifted something within me. I knew from that moment on, I wanted to continually experience a bigger world around me, seek out the small hidden corners of sleepy villages, and befriend locals in every place I go. Since then, I've traveled to 27 different countries in Europe, the UK, Asia, South America, and Africa (several of those countries, I can't stay away from and I've been back multiple times!). For me, travel lets me engage the world around me -- in new ways, unique ways, uncomfortable ways, challenging ways. I'm never fully the same after a stay or when returning home -- in the best way. Travel is what makes me feel fully alive. And, I'd love to help you experience the same.
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