Affordable stay in London, near Buckingham Palace

Affordable stay in London, near Buckingham Palace

Where to stay when visiting London
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Mornington Hotel London Victoria
Speaking from experience I visited London for the weekend and stayed at the Mornington Hotel. It’s location was very convenient as it’s located within a 20 minute walk from Buckingham Palace. I found the hotel very clean and enjoyed my time there.
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Im an international baseball player currently playing in Italy. I grew up in Florida, and have used baseball to travel around America until I graduated college and began playing in Italy three years ago. I’ve been to 11 countries & 18 states, & have always traveled in a different manner. From several 6 months stay in Italy, to road trips across America, to 24 hour visits to countries I’ve never been to; if it’s a new opportunity, I’m in. I speak English, Italian, and Spanish.
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