The best shopping sites in Milan

In this city recognized precisely for fashion we find a number of fixed and some mobile zones where we can do some excellent shopping.
I will present the zones, if not rather the streets most renowned for their shopping offerings within the perimeter that bounds the center of Milan, with an insight into the opening and events of the "fuorisalone."
There will also be deals in particular areas in the near suburbs, where you can intersperse your intense shopping with snack breaks, in these efficient and concentrated malls, in supply and quality!
The streets and areas

These streets are concentrations of stores everything you look for that is inherent to clothing can be found in these streets! Any Milanese will go to these areas for shopping, with the exception of the fashion quadrilateral for its expensiveness.
Shopping malls

Vintage fairs and stores
In case you want to do some shopping but fast-fashion is not for you, or you are simply a great lover of garments that tell a story and how through a very reduced price you can reach the big brands ... here's a little parenthesis for you!


Just for those who might decide to extend their curiosity to design, I leave you with this little gem. It usually takes place in April and is renowned throughout Italy, if not the world, for the way art and design are twisted and rediscovered each year.

As promised here you have the list of the best shopping sites in Milan. Hope you enjoy! 😊
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