FREE | 5 Things You Won't See in Japan | 3-min Read

FREE | 5 Things You Won't See in Japan | 3-min Read

Planning a trip to Japan? 🍱🎏 ✈️I made my first trip to Japan in October 2023 and it was a lovely experience seeing the city and the scenery. Me and my friends went up North where it was getting a little chilly and we found comfort in having some warm Udon. If I were to make another trip to Japan, here's what I would have prepared differently. Here are 5 surprising things you won't see in Japan and how you can prepare for your trip! 🪭
Updated ago

1.♻️Trash Bins 

There are no trash bins in Japan and you would have to carry your own trash till you get back to the hotel! Japan is very particular about the way you throw your trash and they would separate burnables (paper), metal (cans) and plastics (plastic bottles). They would even tear off the paper from the plastic bottle and throw the bottle and paper separately. 

How to prepare for your trip: 

- Bring a plastic bag for your trash wherever you go. 

- You can find trash bins in some of the convenience stores like 7-11, NewDays, Lawson etc. 

2. 🍙People walking and eating 

Japanese people find it rude to walk and eat and therefore you may not want to do so in case you offend them! 

How to prepare for your trip: 

- Find a spot to sit down and eat. There are a lot of parks and benches around and you can even eat at the platform of the train station. 

- Don't forget to bring a plastic bag for your trash! 

3. 🚎Talking on the bus 

It is considered rude to talk on the bus or be very loud on trains so do keep your noise level a little lower especially on the public transport. 

How to prepare for your trip: 

- Do observe the people around you so that you are able to gauge how loud you can talk. 

- Also while waiting for the trains at the platforms, find the markings on the ground and stand accordingly. 

4. 🍜Quiet Ramen Shops 

Ironically, you will find ramen shops very noisy! In Japan, you are allowed to slurp your ramen noodles as loudly as possible as it shows that you are having a delicious meal. It is a compliment to the chef! 

How to prepare for your trip: 

- Prepare to slurp as loudly as possible! Hahaha :)

- Some ramen shops also provide cold tea which is so so nice. Get free refills! 

5. 🥄Spoons while Eating 

While eating rice bowls, sushi or anything with rice, you won't find spoons as Japanese people only eat with chopsticks. It was a challenge for me at first as I usually eat with chopsticks and spoons. Even for Caucasians, having to switch from forks to chopsticks might also be a little challenge. 

How to prepare for your trip: 

- It is alright if you were to struggle a bit! Practice makes perfect, you will definitely enjoy the food here in Japan so just keep practicing! 

6. 📷Taking Photos at Museums

How to prepare for your trip: 

- Observe your surroundings as you enter the place, or you can ask the people around if photos are allowed. 

🚀Special shoutout to this cute studio Ghibli museum which you can visit while in Tokyo! You aren't allowed to take photos and it is worth the visit! 

Ghibli Museum
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7. 🛍️Plastic Bags 

While I was in Japan, one of the things I notice was that the shops do not provide free plastic bags. They would charge for plastic bags in Japan if you don't have one. 

How to prepare for your trip: 

- Pack 2-3 reusable bags or plastic bags in your day bags. 

I hope that the list above would help you as you prepare for your next dream trip to Japan! If you find this information helpful, any tips are appreciated for my work :)

* * *
In April 2023, I brought a group of Americans to Asia on a low-budget trip where we visited different tourist attractions and soak in the Asian culture. I enjoy sharing my knowledge about different cultures and how we can be culturally sensitive when we visit another's country. A few of my favorite memories also include going to the dressing up in Hanboks to visit the Korean Palaces, Florida's Disneyworld, Night Markets in Thailand and floating on the Dead Sea in Israel! I have stayed and visited in many different countries such as Singapore, Cambodia, Indonesia, Taiwan and the United States etc. My favourite things to do is to climb mountains, visit beaches, eat local food and visit farmer's markets. In Asia, we have a very buzzling night life that I hope you get to experience too! I hope that you find my information helpful and any tips are appreciated for my work :)
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