Padova, where Spritz was born! 🍹
City center
📍Piazza delle erbe
Piazza delle erbe is one of the most beautiful and symbolic squares in the city.
📍Palazzo della Ragione
🔽Visit the palace and its underground 🔽
📍Torre bianca
Under the tower there is a little street called “Volto della corda”.
🔎 Padova’s secret
Look for the coins carved in the wall: they were used for not to be cheated!
☕️ Café - Spritz
📍Piazza dei signori
🔎 Padova’s secret
Parte rialzata della piazza , nell’asta a sinistra dell’orologio: cercare una lira!
La leggenda narra che un uomo perse una spilla a forma di lira in quella zona e dopo 15 giorni dalla scomparsa riapparve proprio dove c’è la scritta oggi
🔎 Padova’s Secret
The number in Latin was not correct because gli stencil
There isn’t the symbol of the “bilancia” ma c’è ne sono due nascosti nella piazza
«Universa Universis Patavina Liberatas»
🔎Padova’s Secrets
🎩”Goliardi Padovani” are a group of students dressed with a long and strange head famous to make funny jokes in the city. Try their favorite drinks in the bar in Palazzo Bo: Polifonico e Morandino.
🔭During the visit you can see Aula Magna, the big room where Galileo Galilei took his classes, and the first astronomical theatre created.
☕️Café - Spritz
Via del Vescovado
🖌️Along the arcades of the street you can find works of street art by Kennedy Random
🔎Padova Secerets
The story narrows that the mirrors on the Specchi’s house are magical amulets that serve to overturn negative influences in the uninhabited house in front of it
💧Riveira Paleocapa
💧Riviera Tiso
Getto ebraico
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