Meditaion Center in Thailand

Meditaion Center in Thailand

Emi Liu
Updated ago

Sathira Dhammasathan
Weekend Meditation Retreat on Every Friday - Sunday
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Plum Village - Near Bangkok

Thai Plum Village International Practice Center
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Pa Pae Meditation Retreat - Chiang Mai

Pa Pae Meditation Retreat
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Wat Pah Tam Wua - Chiang Mai

Wat Pa Tam Wua
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Emi Liu
Hi all, I'm Emily from Hong Kong. I have explored over 30 countries and regions around the world, visiting more than 100 cities in the process, from the northeastern to the southeastern parts of China, and from Europe to Southeast Asia and North America. I love to deeply immerse myself in local cultures and interact closely with the people. I'd be delighted to share my knowledge and passion to help you embark on an extraordinary journey.
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