The PATRICK Guide to La Barceloneta
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What is La Barceloneta?
The Barceloneta, literally means "little Barcelona". It the part of the city directly along the coast that runs from the Old Port down to the W Hotel. It really is separate from the rest of the city and before the Olympic Games actually was. Once you get there you will see it has a different vibe. And that’s because it was separated from the city for so many years.
After the Battle of Spanish Succession ended in 1714, the construction of the citadel forced the removal of almost half of the Born neighborhood. With no where to turn a new area was created along the beach giving the neighborhood its unique shape and layout that it still has today.
While the roots lay as a fishing village, the modernization ahead of the 1992 Summer Olympic Games changed the neighborhood forever as the shanty towns and industrial coast were turned into impressive beaches. La Barceloneta now brings in a lot of the tourism that visit Barcelona, especially during the summer months, but still maintains its neighborhood charm.

📩 This is my guide to La Barceloneta. For some of the top things to do all around the city, Download my FREE Top 5 Guide to Barcelona!