The Magic of Solo Travel

The Magic of Solo Travel

Sarah Flores
Aloha :) here is an introduction to my experience with solo travel. The process of finding contentment in yourself, cultivating love and an open mind, and learning how you connect with the rest of the world.
Updated ago

Romanticize every little moment.

Everyday life is a string of beautiful moments that make up a beautiful life. When you give yourself the opportunity to travel alone, you open your eyes and mind and heart to experience those little moments. The first trip I went to by myself happened a few days after my 18th birthday. I flew to the Florida Keys to work at a marine science camp. I had a smile from ear to ear the whole time, and that first meal I had by myself at the hotel restaurant tasted like total joy and magic. During that trip I was totally captivated by the magic of being alone and melting into the new world around me. 

Rely on your own strength & ask for help when you need it. 

Writing about the safety of solo travel is an entire book in itself. I have created my lifestyle to fuel my own safety- through training jiu jitsu, self defense, and overall awareness, I feel confident in my abilities to travel alone. That being said, I do not place myself in situations if I am aware there is a risk that I am not willing to take. The destination you travel to, where you are staying overnight, and what you carry with you are all choices that can help you be in control of your situation. In a flawed world we have to find our way to navigate well and with a strong grip. 

Fall in LOVE.

The best part of traveling alone is not knowing who you will have the opportunity to love, even if it’s for a moment or for a lifetime. Flying into a new country with just you and your passport leaves an infinite amount of opportunity to who will leave a beautiful mark on your journey. I am excited to share the love stories and adventures I have experienced through traveling. They have shaped me into someone who knows story book endings are real and worth creating. Figuring out how you navigate the world helps you fall in love with yourself too. Finding the similarities and differences between yourself and humans from all walks of life, opening yourself up to learn about who you are and how you can grow, and seeing the beauty in those around you. When you fall in love while traveling you are able to bring that outlook back to your home and everyday life. It’s takes a spark of magic to create that flame, and we want to keep that fire stoked when we return home from out travels. 

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Sarah Flores
Tattoo apprentice and yoga instructor traveling the world. Based on O’ahu, Hawaii
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