Christina Helen Rowe
Just outside of Lisbon, where city people retreat in the height of summer, stunning beaches and a microclimate perfect for permaculture gardens, enlightened gardeners and mind blowing ingredients.
Updated ago

Quinta dos 7 Nomes
A marvellous find, while walking accidentally to the beach, when I should have been on a tram! Thank goodness I forgot my purse with change! This moment changed my whole day, set my foot on the path again, to find these people, wherever they may be, growing and sourcing exceptional, organic, seasonal and local ingredients. And such beautiful people inside to greet.
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Boca da Mata
A collection of cooks who pop up in beautiful locations to cook vegan organic dishes. I chanced upon them in a cooperative garden in Colares. Milena was cooking a feast to celebrate their two year anniversary, rose, elderflower and lemon ‘ade’, sweet potato and wild foraged New Zealand spinach & nettle soup, beetroot & turmeric rice balls, fava bean guacamole with fresh red onion, roasted carrot, tofu & a dessert made by her friend Marta, chocolate salami. Wow!
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Flores do Cabo Colares
So I’m staying in a tiny little village, Colares, outside Lisbon. In a Permaculture Garden designed by an architect, with a Cooperative nearby selling only organic ingredients. And today, while walking to the outskirts of the village I chanced upon this mysterical dream of unknown proportions. Something like straight out of Alice in Wonderland! A beautiful space with 100% organic food menu including drinks, local artisans working nearby….
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Praia das Maçãs Market
A tiny covered market close to the beach with exquisite ingredients, including a fishmonger with incredible knowledge and passion selling a selection of wild & farmed fish. He leaves at 2330 every night to go to Lisbon to the Fish Market, returning at 0400, and remains so full of vitality! And the certified ‘BIO’ stall run by husband and wife, pristine and crammed with divine ingredients grown a few miles away on their land.
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Christina Helen Rowe
I had this dream, after staying with Mum in New Zealand in a little town called Tokoroa halfway on a motorway between Auckland and Wellington, where the trucks stop. After scouring a supermarket for organic ingredients, and finding it devoid of inspiration and beautiful produce, I found this guy called Alan in a carpark selling organically grown vegetables directly from his farm. They were less expensive than the supermarket and completely fresh and luscious with life. The few people I knew in Tokoroa had absolutely no idea about this man and it took me a while to realise he was there. I wondered if it would be possible to create a platform to find the most beautiful artisanal produce, or the freshest organically as a bare minimum, biodynamic vegetables wherever you were in the world. Alan gave me his number and said I could meet him on Tuesdays also if I was ever running out of vegetables. The seed of the dream though, actually started many years before with my love of markets. I had a job one winter in the South of France, Sanuary sur Mer. On the weekends I would head for Aix en Provence, get up early on Saturday morning and wander down to the market in time to watch everyone set up their stalls, sitting on the edge of this in wonder sipping my espresso. Later I worked in a fresh produce shop in London for a few years, sourcing from artisan growers, regenerative, people preserving ancient farming techniques and began to learn the seasons and truly about the most stunning ingredients. It is the whole energy of the market place that captures my attention. The farmers who bring their produce directly, you can actually sense the vitality, the life! It makes you feel completely alive! And connected to the earth and the seasons.
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