Waiheke, New Zealand (off Auckland)

Waiheke, New Zealand (off Auckland)

Explore the wineries of Waiheke Island! We had the best day visiting Waiheke from Auckland. Here is how to make the most out of one day on the island with extra spots saved. We made it a long day and didn't get to visit all the spots we wanted to, so even better would be to spend the night on the island and have 2 days there! We focused on wineries and food, but there are beaches and other activities as well.
Updated ago

How to get around

We took the first ferry of the day from Auckland. Depending on how far you want to go, you can rent bikes to get around the island. We decided to go with taxis and either used the Ryda app or had the wineries call one for us. 

Waiheke Bike Hire
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Batch Winery
This was our first stop. We were able to do a tasting without a reservation and then we enjoyed a glass and a snack at their restaurant. The property is beautiful with amazing views and would be a great spot for lunch or dinner!
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We walked between the next few wineries as they are all close to each other. 

Te Motu Vineyard
Lovely small patio set in the middle of the vineyards with a great snack menu. You would need reservations for lunch or dinner.
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Stonyridge Vineyard
Great patio looking into the vineyards. It felt very open. I also enjoyed their oysters!
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Wild Estate Vineyard, Wild on Waiheke Activities & Waiheke Island Brewery
This winery has a modern fun vibe and they also have beer tastings
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Postage Stamp Wines
Cute very small place that we stop at for a quick taste
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Mudbrick Vineyard and Restaurant
Amazing spot for sunset. This would be a nice place for dinner. We opted for a bottle of wine and enjoyed the rooftop patio and the vineyard for sunset. This was our last stop of the day before heading to the ferry
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Extra options that we didn't make it to

Cable Bay Vineyards
This would be another good spot for sunset however we didn't get a chance to visit this time!
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Casita Miro
This winery was closed the day we were there but a friend recommended it and I read great things about it. I would absolutely go here when we go back!
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Places to eat

The Heke Kitchen, Brewery & Distillery
We walked here after the wineries to have a snack and taste the ciders. It was good, but the food at the wineries was definitely better! I would go here if you are with cider or beer lovers or just need a break from wine :)
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The Oyster Inn
We stopped here before going to Mudbrick for more oysters and a needed espresso martini lol. The food was great!
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Charlie Farley's
lunch or dinner option
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Ki Māha Restaurant Waiheke Island
dinner, pricey
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Fenice Cafe & Restaurant
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* * *
Hello! My favorite way to explore a new city is through their diverse food and drink scenes. Whether it’s uncovering hidden gems or indulging in street food, I’m all about the local flavors. From dive bars to upscale spots, I appreciate them all! Whether it’s a fine wine or a well crafted cocktail or a beer on a plastic stool- they all show a side to a city. I’m the type to dive deep into research before setting foot in a new place, making sure I don’t miss out on anything! However, I also love wandering and finding the off beat spots- that’s where the real magic happens!
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