4 Eiffel photo Spots | Paris

4 Eiffel photo Spots | Paris

The perfect photo in Paris? A beautiful smile and the Eiffel Tower in the background is all you need. Here are 4 top spots for a flawless photo!
Updated ago

4 Eiffel photo Spots

Rue de l'Université

At 📍Rue de l'Université you have a fantastic view of the Eiffel Tower. However, the time is very important here, the place is quickly overcrowded which is why I recommend you get there before ⌛️8 o'clock in the morning to be able to take the best photos.

Rue de l'Université
At Rue de l'Université you have a fantastic view of the Eiffel Tower.
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The road runs at right angles to the Eiffel Tower, making it a great spot for photos. There's also a flower stand at the side of 📍l'Howea, grab some beautiful 💐flowers and you've got the perfect photo.

Grab some beautiful flowers and you've got the perfect pictures from Paris!
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Seine River

Eiffel Tower photos on the banks of the 📍Seine without any crowds in the background? Sure! Take the stairs to the right of 📍Pont d'léna facing the Eiffel Tower. Have fun taking 📸photos.

Debilly Eiffel Tower view
Take the stairs to the right of Pont d'léna facing the Eiffel Tower. Have fun taking amazing photos!
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My absolute favorite spot for a romantic ☀️sunrise! Take the first train in the morning and get off at the 📍Trocadéro stop. In just a few minutes, you'll be at probably the best spot in Paris. Right on the 📍Plaice de Chalotte, you can experience the most 💕beautiful sunrise in Paris in complete relaxation.

My absolute favorite spot for a romantic sunrise!
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* * *
Piacere! My name is Teff, born and raised in South Tyrol, northern Italy, among forests and meadows of flowers in the middle of the dolomites. I travel mostly on a small budget. Always looking for beautiful places and discovering other cultures. I am excited to share my travels with you!
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