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Geitrud Fia | wanderfullyfia
Lives in Tallinn, Estonia
Hi! I'm Geitrud Fia, originally from Estonia, and I'm a professional Travel & Event Planner and a travel lover for more than 10 years! I've been to 29 countries and counting and I love to document my travels on my ig: @wanderfullyfia I'm specialised in Nordic & Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden & Norway) where I've lived and led countless group trips and Greece where I've extensively traveled and have many local connections! I've extensively traveled around the rest of Europe and S.E-Asia too and can help with travel to these areas as well! When I travel by myself I look for great food, beautiful nature and landscapes for daily hikes and photography, wellness, history & culture, local people, beaches & swimming spots and other places off the beaten path! My travel style is slow and immersive and mid-range but I like to splurge on luxury once in a while! I offer personalised travel/destination event planning & consulting, travel itineraries & guides and more! Traveling should be enjoyed! A lot of the times we spend more time planning the trip than actually being on a trip.. or we book another generalised group trip with the same itinerary... This is where I can help you by giving you a tried and trusted (by me! no googling and hoping for good spots here) easy to follow plan to take the stress of planning off of your shoulders so you can enjoy your getaway to the most beautiful places! I hope to make your next trip memorable and relaxing without the stress of planning! Contact me for personalised travel plans and itineraries, destination event planning, travel consulting and more! Check out my Instagram @wanderfullyfia for travel inspo & tips!
Adventure • Outdoors • Slow Travel • Luxury • Wellness • History • People & Culture • Camping • Relaxation • Digital Nomads • Car-free • Backpacker • Groups • Female Solo • Vegetarian
Julia 🌏 Female Solo Traveler
Lives in Stuttgart, Deutschland
🗣️ EN: Hey fellow travel lovers 😊 I'm Julia, a passionate solo traveler from Germany. I was born and raised near Stuttgart and also lived in New Zealand for one year, so I'm fluent in both German and English. I've been planning and going on solo travels for almost a decade now, and I'm passionate about helping YOU experience your best and memorable solo adventure, too. Especially for women traveling solo, things might appear a bit overwhelming from time to time and I totally get that - but no worries, I'll have your back! I do have all the tips and tricks for you when it comes to safety, budget, destinations and things to do or not to do. I hope to inspire you to get out and explore this beautiful world 🌏 I offer 1:1 calls, customer itineraries and customer recommendations not only for solo travelers but for everyone who's excited to make memories for a lifetime ✨ ➡️ E-Mail: 🗣️ DE: Hey liebe (Solo-) Reisefreunde 😊 Ich bin Julia, leidenschaftliche Alleinreisende und ich lebe im Südwesten Deutschlands. Zwischenzeitlich habe ich 1 Jahr mit einem Work and Travel Visum in Neuseeland gelebt, spreche daher nicht nur fließend Deutsch, sondern auch Englisch. Seit über 10 Jahren schlägt mein Herz schon fürs Abenteuer Soloreise. Daher freue ich mich von Herzen darauf, dich bei deinem Solotrip zu unterstützen und dir zu einer absolut unvergesslichen Reise zu verhelfen. Gerade für Frauen kann es sehr überfordernd sein, alleine zu verreisen. Und genau dafür bin ich da: Ich habe jede Menge Tipps und Tricks für dich hinsichtlich Sicherheit, Kosten, Traumziele und Aktvitäten, sodass du dich bestens gewappnet fühlst für dein ganz persönliches Soloreise-Abenteuer. Ich hoffe, ich kann auch dich dazu inspirieren, loszuziehen und unsere wunderschöne Welt zu entdecken 🌎 Ich biete 1:1 Call, Reiseplanung- und beratung an - und zwar nicht nur für Alleinreisende, sondern für alle Weltenbummler da draußen ✨ ➡️ E-Mail:
Adventure • Outdoors • Female Solo • Foodie • People & Culture • Slow Travel • Relaxation • Road Trip • Backpacker
Georgios Pagkratis
Lives in Athens, Greece
Greetings! My name is George. I am a highly skilled and experienced freelancer with expertise in the travel industry as a travel agent and virtual assistant. I have one year of experience working with clients from all over the world, and I take pride in delivering high-quality work that exceeds their expectations. As a travel agent, I am passionate about helping my clients plan their dream vacations, whether it be a romantic getaway or a family adventure. I am knowledgeable in finding the best deals, making recommendations based on my client's preferences and budgets, and ensuring that their travel experience is stress-free and enjoyable. In addition, as a virtual assistant, I have extensive experience in managing administrative tasks such as scheduling appointments, managing emails, and organizing files. I have excellent communication skills, and I am committed to providing timely and efficient services to help my clients achieve their goals. My love for travel, combined with my skills as a virtual assistant, make me an excellent choice for any project you have in mind. I am reliable, efficient, and detail-oriented, ensuring that my clients are always informed and satisfied with the progress of their projects. So if you are looking for a freelancer who can assist you with travel planning or virtual assistance tasks, look no further. Let's work together to make your travel dreams a reality and streamline your administrative task
Family • Adventure • Outdoors • Foodie • Backpacker • Budget • Luxury • Romantic • Art • Architecture • History • People & Culture • Camping • Road Trip • Slow Travel • Wine • Vegetarian • Vegan • LGBTQ+ • Couples • Digital Nomads
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